Sad birthday party with six-year-old boy
Pizza party without guests!

Boy alone on birthday party (Quelle:
The six-year-old boy named Teddy wanted to celebrate his birthday with his little friends in Tucson, Arizona.
A photo shows the little boy with his brown eyes sitting alone at the set table with pizza. None of the invited guests came. Some have canceled and others have not appeared.
A photo shows the little boy with his brown eyes sitting alone at the set table with pizza. None of the invited guests came. Some have canceled and others have not appeared.
Why the guests did not come has many media. The mother of little Teddy Sil Mazzini can not explain the behavior and will not celebrate a party anymore. There were 32 children invited and in fact none of these children came to the pizza party.
The mother posted the photo on the Internet and many people were compassionate and sent the sad boy congratulations and sympathetic words to Teddy. Finally there was a big happy ending for Teddy. The basketball team Phoenix Suns gets this story and gives the boy a special gift. The crew tweets: "How about celebrating with thousands of people?"
Teddy is invited to their next basketball game against the Los Angeles Lukers.
The mother posted the photo on the Internet and many people were compassionate and sent the sad boy congratulations and sympathetic words to Teddy. Finally there was a big happy ending for Teddy. The basketball team Phoenix Suns gets this story and gives the boy a special gift. The crew tweets: "How about celebrating with thousands of people?"
Teddy is invited to their next basketball game against the Los Angeles Lukers.
Also the prominent rapper DJ Khaled reported on Instagram and congratulated the boy. For the little sad teddy his brown eyes should turn into a bright sun.
German Daily News also says Happy Birthday Dear Teddy and wishes you much joy in life. We tell you: you are not alone, thousands of people congratulate you from the bottom of your heart.
German Daily News also says Happy Birthday Dear Teddy and wishes you much joy in life. We tell you: you are not alone, thousands of people congratulate you from the bottom of your heart.
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